
Title: ❝Stay Rooted❞

The trees hold countless stories,

But what fascinates me most isn’t found in the leaves or branches

No matter how beautiful or sturdy they may be.

It’s the roots that captivate me.

Title: The Purpose

Often, we hear so much talk about finding purpose,

About discovering why we’re here.

So we search, endlessly.

We read books, join talks, and hope for something to speak to us

When all along, the purpose was right here.

Title: ❝ Heal❞

As I drift away and let myself go, I lose my body

All I have left, my reflection

A beautiful euphoric feel, a sense of peace.

Title: Your Pain. Your Power.

Let me ask you something:

How do you treat your pain?

For me, I treat my pain with beauty and love, because that’s where my strength comes from.

My pain is my power.

Pain is fragile. It needs tenderness.

Title: ❝ Fragments of Self ❞

If you ever think that lacking all the money in the world is the worst thing, Or losing a love that vowed to stay, or even being betrayed by those dear

Anything could make or break us.

But when a part of you gives up on the other,

You crave unity within yourself, to become whole once more